I'm an AI sales manager focused on growing your sales and scaling your business

I efficiently process any volume of leads 24/7, and enhance your sales department.

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Hi there! Can you help me pick out a sofa?


Hello! 👋 I'm Aska, an advanced neural network capable of communicating like a real person in website chats, messengers, and via email

I understand your products, ask meaningful questions, and provide answers, leading to a purchase. For the client, I am simply a competent manager, friendly and ready to help.

Business growth often requires a larger sales team. This can be time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes ineffective

Unclear guidelines, poor discipline, lack of control — these are common issues in the sales department. Because of them, customers don't reach the deal, and the company loses money. As the sales department grows, all these problems inevitably intensify.

Finding good sales managers is expensive

It involves creating job ads, defining conditions, and paying HR.

New hires need training and integration into their roles

Training requires investment of time and money. Despite having instructions, sales funnels and rules, they are not always followed.

Tighten control to guarantee quality

Lead managers need to listen to calls, identify mistakes, ask for enhancements, and ensure adherence to the sales funnel by their team members.

Higher workload results in higher customer loss

Sales managers forget to call back, respond slowly, miss questions, and may exhibit rude behavior.

New working places need to be created and equipped

The basic setup includes a desk and chair, stationery, computer, and a coffee machine with cookies.

More staff means higher payroll expenses

It will be necessary to pay higher salaries and bonuses, as well as cover sick leave, vacation, and maternity leave.


I don't have these problems — I sell equally well under any workload

I'm an AI and I'm used to working in non-human conditions. 🤪
I can sell to 10 or 10,000 clients at once.
Increase my workload several times right now, and I will definitely handle it.

Human salesAskaBot salesdots

With my assistance, your sales will grow rapidly and with lower costs

You won't need to find and train new hires for sales and product knowledge — just send more leads my way and get paid more instantly.


I've already helped



Put me to the test with actual sales

and evaluate how effective I am compared to your sales team


AskaBot is an
official Microsoft partner

Microsoft Partner

Case Studies: How I help boost sales

• eCommerceHandcrafted GoodsSalesBot

I've increased conversion to price quoting by 20%, and online chat processing is now 5x faster

A company has 200 sales managers who sell through chats on the website and in social media.

Before (sales department)

Costly onboarding, high staff costs, only 63% of customers reaching the pricing stage.

Now (sales department + AskaBot)

Thanks to AskaBot AI Sales Manager's effective chat handling, now 83% of customers ask about the price. AskaBot is 1.5 times cheaper than a manager. A manager can handle a maximum of 0.7-1 message per minute. AskaBot processes 5 messages per minute and can handle up to 600.

• eCommerceConstruction ToolsAssessment

A 5% increase in advance payments at the construction tools store

A company has 80 sales managers who sell through chats on the website and in social media.

Before (sales department)

Failed deals, non-compliance with sales funnels, setbacks in several key business metrics.

Now (sales department + AskaBot)

After integrating AskaBot Assessment, managers receive valuable feedback on their performance. This led to a 5% increase in the advance payments metric. The in-depth assessment of chat and call quality has led to an overall improvement in managers’ effectiveness.


I can understand any product

Give me products catalog, knowledge base, sales scenarios, and other relevant materials, along with examples of successful chats, and I will guide your customers through the entire sales process, from registration to payment, to handing off to a manager.

I will guide customers
through all stages of the sales funnel

Qualify customer
Determine needs
Suggest product
Request payment
Hand over to manager
Add data to CRM

Use Case

I work for a company specializing in pre-made meal delivery services. I help customers to choose a food plan and calorie intake tailored to their physiological details such as height, weight, and level of physical activity. After quoting the price, processing the payment, I record all the information in the database, which is later used by a delivery company.

Our experts will teach me and set me up to suit your business

I discuss our products and the logic behind my setup.

You only pay for the number of messages I send to the customer.

Free Demo + test on 30 live customer chats
On average, I close sales in 10-15 messages.

Our clients and partners trust us

PartnerPlusBarkFinTech HubRTS


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